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“We call it “dog training” but to be clear, what we do is teach the dog to learn.”

‘Andrea Meinhart’

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The happiest and most successful dogs are trained following the rules of operant conditioning. Operant conditioning is not a “method” but a process by which animals and people learn. We use positive reinforcement, often called “+R,” to teach new behaviours with shaping and selective reinforcement. Your dog will not experience pain, confusion, or fear, nor will you lose trust. A unique feature of positive reinforcement is that we aren’t simply “training the dog.” We are letting the dog learn valuable behaviours. This is a subtle but staggering difference.

At High IQ K9 Sports Centre, you will learn the incredible power of positive reinforcement. Your dog will be a partner in the learning process by offering behaviours from which you choose the ones you want repeated. You will understand the all-important skill of “timing” so that you are reinforcing the correct behavior at precisely the proper point in time. Every class offered at High IQ K9 has a foundation firmly rooted in +R.

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Teaching your dog to learn is a unique blend of science and art, all with an eye onimproving your relationship with your dog. We can’t wait to teach you what we know,and together, we will watch your dog blossom!

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